
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the April 25, 1974 carnation revolution, the Faculty of Architecture - University of Porto is organizing the programme "More Than Housing." This moment deserves to be commemorated with a reflection on themes that were, and still are, a challenge and a need to be fulfilled. With this purpose, this initiative brings together the Schools of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Fine Arts in Portugal to contribute with a critical and purposeful reflection on the contemporary challenges of housing and public space in the construction of an intercultural society and the promotion of global citizenship. The programme, kicked-off in April 2023, and includes seminars, shows, publications, and workshops, aiming to inspire, inform, and communicate the research produced by students in the academic year 2023/2024 at the universities. Having as reference the memory of the experience of the housing programmes that took place immediately after April 25, 1974, notably the Local Ambulatory Support Service (SAAL), it is intended to envision a contribution to the future that we aspire for 2074, 100 years after the Carnation Revolution.

Organisation [Executive Board of FAUP]: João Pedro Xavier, Teresa Calix, Clara Pimenta do Vale, Filipa de Castro Guerreiro, José Pedro Sousa
Curators: Teresa Novais e Luís Tavares Pereira

Curator's Manifest

Mais do que Casas STARBURSTING


Seta Identidade
Seta Identidade


12 de fevereiro de 2025, 4.ª feira, 13h30-19h30 - FAUP